Organized by next77?
In the navigation bar (upper right corner of your screen), click the user icon and then click REGISTRATION.
Complete the registration form carefully in a new tab. Pay special attention when writing your email address (recommended to double check), since that’s where you’ll receive your activation link. Then accept the required consents, and click REGISTER .
Check your mailbox; you should receive an email from us with an activation link . If the email has not arrived, wait a few moments or check your spam/junk folder. Once you’ve received the email, click the activation link you (or copy/paste it into your browser). Congratulations, your account at Next77 is active and you can now log in! :)
It's time to add your photos for the competition. To do this, click the user icon in the main menu (upper right corner of your screen) and click ADD PHOTOS .
Fill out the form (for each individual each photo) according to the instructions below:
- Contest option - leave it at default.
- Provide a concise but informative title for your photo.
- Describe your photo in a few words. Don't forget to mention the equipment you used while taking the photo.
- Select a photo from your computer (JPG or PNG; maximum file size is 2Mb).
- Check the required boxes to accept the terms of the competition and click ADD PHOTO.
Important! You can add up to 3 photos, which will significantly increase your chances of winning. To add additional photos, repeat steps 1 to 5.
After uploading, your photos must be reviewed and approved by a moderator. You can check your photo acceptance status in the MY PICTURES tab (available under the user icon in the main menu; upper right corner of your screen). If the uploaded photo does not meet the requirements, you will be notified by email about the rejection.
Please remember that photos can only be sent within the time limit set by the organizer of the competition. After that, all photos are rated by visitors. The photo with the highest amount of points by the end of the competition wins.